...yes, I am. Can you believe it?...2 days in a row. O.k., so last night, I finished a scarf I had been working on. It's not extravagant. It's a simple blue scarf to tie up the hair at night. I cut out a triangular piece of the silky fabric and serged the edges on my "Singer Tiny Serger"/model: TS380+. Yes, I finally revealed the name and brand of the serger I have. A friend sent it to me (from Ebay) as a birthday gift last year. I had to use it before I could mention it. By they way, I was asked what I wanted and "Singer Tiny Serger" was my response. Also, I happen to have the "Singer Tiny Tailor" and never even knew the "Singer Tiny Serger" existed. I figure in the time that I consider a sewing boom Singer might bring it back but they said they have no intention of doing so. (Yes, I emailed them) O.k., so I used it and I will try to edit this post at a later date(if possible) and include a picture. Or I'll probably just create a new post. Anyway, I just oiled it for the first time. I've already had to change the needle since I discovered it was bent. And, I've already run out of thread on one spool once and am about to run out again. As far as re-threading goes, I learned from people on the web how to "tie one on" (no, don't get drunk, silly). I tie the new thread to the old thread before it runs out so I don't have to manually re-thread because quite frankly it appears to be a somewhat daunting task and I've read many horror stories about re-threading sergers. Ah yes, that brings me to another thing....the manual was not in the box however, Singer does have it online for a free download and $5.00 for a hard copy. So, while out doing errands one day, I stopped by the library and printed it for a nickle a sheet...it's like 23 pages or so and I didn't want to use up the ink in the printer at home. That stuff is expensive!
Anyway, I have to come back here and post a picture of the results. There are also some shorts I am working on. They're for lounging around the house in. They're are some pants I'm making for someone out of their nephew's (clean/lol!!!) bed sheet which was left in the car after a road trip. It has cartoons on it and the recipient likes cartoons and it's her nephew's so it's like a two for one gift. Oh, plus it's from me...LOL!!!!!! so I guess it's a three for one gift. Alright, that's it for now. I have some errands to go run.
Sew Long...
Just_Sew_In. . .
1 month ago
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